Unit Filters
Some filters support an equals operand, some support greater than, less than, and equals operand (referred to as GT, LT, EQ; symbols >, <, and =), and the unit name filter does not require an operand. If a version is indicated in parentheses, the filter was added in that version and will not be available if you are on an older version.
The available unit filters are:
- name: search for units whose name includes the text entered. Does not require an operand
- class: enter "land", "air", or "sea" to filter to only land/air/sea units
- era: enter 0 for units with no prerequisite tech, 1 for units whose prereq tech is in the first era (Ancient), 2 for units whose prereq tech is in the second era, etc.
- availableTo: search for units available to a certain civilization; search using equals to and the civilization's name. Or, search for units that are available to LT or GT a certain number of civilizations (e.g. availableTo>1)
- uniqueTo: search for units that are unique to a certain civilization; the same as available to, but they must also be available to no other civilization
- reqTech: search for units that require a particular technology. Accepts any technology name, or "None" for units that don't require any technologies
- reqGood: search for units that require a particular resource. Accepts any good name, or "None" for units that require no resources. The matching good may be in any of the "Required Resources" slots.
- ignoreMovementCost (1.27): Returns units that ignore the provided terrain type (by name).
Unit Statistics
- attack:search for units with attack GT, LT, EQ to the specified value
- defence: search for units with defence GT, LT, EQ the specified value. Also works for "defense" (1.27).
- movement: search for units with movement GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- bombardStrength: search for units with bombard strength GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- bombardRate: search for units with bombard rate GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- bombardRange: search for units with bombard strength GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- hpBonus: search for units with a hitpoint bonus GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- airDefence: search for units with air defence GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- operationalRange: search for units with operational range GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- transportCapacity: search for units with transport capacity GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- popCost: search for units with population cost GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- cost: search for units with shield cost GT, LT, EQ the specified value
Unit Abilities
The Unit Abilities filters take a parameter of "true" or "false". For example, the filter amphibious=true returns all amphibious units, and the filter stealth=false returns all non-stealth units.
- allRoads: Whether the unit treats all terrain as roads
- amphibious: Whether the unit is amphibious
- army: Whether the unit is considered to be an army
- blitz: Whether the unit can blitz (attack multiple times per turn)
- cruiseMissile: Whether the unit is a cruise missile
- detectInvisible: Whether the unit can detect invisible units
- draft: Whether the unit can be drafted
- flagUnit: Whether the unit is a flag unit in Capture the Flag
- footUnit: Whether the unit is a foot unit
- hiddenNationality: Whether the unit's nationality is hidden
- immobile: Whether the unit is immobile
- infiniteBombard: Whether the unit has infinite bombard range
- invisible: Whether the unit is invisible
- king: Whether the unit is a king unit in Regicide mode
- leader: Whether the unit is a leader unit
- lethalLand: Whether the unit has lethal land bombardment
- lethalSea: Whether the unit has lethal sea bombardment
- nuclearWeapon: Whether the unit is a nuclear weapon
- radar: Whether the unit has radar
- rangedAttack: Whether the unit has a ranged attack animation
- requiresEscort: Whether the AI considers the unit to require an escort
- rotateBeforeAttack: Whether the unit rotates prior to attacking
- sinksInOcean: Whether the unit will sink in the ocean
- sinksInSea: Whether the unit will sink in the sea
- goldenAge: Whether the unit will trigger a Golden Age upon victory
- stealth: Whether the unit is a stealth unit
- tacticalMissile: Whether the unit is a tactical nuclear missile
- transportsAircraft: Whether the unit can transport aircraft
- transportsFoot: Whether the unit can only transport foot units
- transportsMissiles: Whether the unit can only transport tactical nuclear missiles
- wheeled: Whether the unit is wheeled