Safety Levels is a new editor concept. It came about after the realization that many of the limits in Civ3ConquestsEdit may be artificial rather than technical, and that currently the only way to test those limits was with a hex editor. Safety Levels allow the user to choose to either stick with the tried-and-mostly-true Firaxis limits, or choose any of several other levels of limitations that allow more (or less) flexibility.
There are six safety levels, which are summarized below in order from most strict to least strict:
Click on the Overall Safety Level: button to modify the safety levels Safety levels are configurable on a per-tab basis. The safety level shown on the main window will be the lowest of the individual safety levels chosen, and the background color shown on the main tab will be an average of all the safety levels.
Violations of the current safety level will result in the text of the violating field(s) being red.
Note that levels below Firaxis may render BIQ's not easily editable in Civ3ConquestsEdit, and levels below Minimal may render BIQ's not readable by any editor (including this one). It is always a good idea to back up your BIQ files before editing, but this is especially true on the lower levels.