World Sizes
The World Size tab lets you configure the settings for random maps. You cannot add or remove world sizes. I tried it.
Civ3 crashed.
- Width/Height are the expected, width/height. Remember that thanks to the isometric nature of the map, the actual number
of tiles is half the product of the width and the height.
- Number of Civs - The number of civs on a random map by default. This is also used to determine how many resources are
available on random maps.
- Distance between Civs - Used to determine how close together civs can be on random maps.
- Tech rate - How quickly technology advances. On larger maps, this is usually lower. Realize you set your tech pace too
fast or slow? Adjust this instead of each tech individually, and you're set! At least, if the progression by era was
- Optimal City Number - This is used to help determine corruption. If a Civ has more cities than the Optimal City Number,
new cities will get worse corruption than otherwise.
- Unknown String - No one knows what this does. Modify it if you dare.