Tech Tab
The technology tab functions similarly to in the Firaxis editor. This page goes over the differences.
Tech Filtering
You can filter technologies using the search box above the list of technologies. The available filters are:
- name: search for techs whose name includes the text entered. Does not require an operand
- cost: search for techs with shield cost GT, LT, EQ the specified value
- era: enter 0 for techs that are not in an era, 1 for techs in the first era (Ancient), 2 for techs in the second era, etc. You may also search with the era name (in quotes if it has spaces in its name), and with era=None for all techs that are not in an era.
- reqTech: search for techs that require a particular technology. Accepts any technology name, in which case it returns all techs where any of the prerequisite techs is the one specified; or "None" to search for techs that don't have any prerequisite technologies.
- flavor: search for techs that have the specified flavor. Also may be spelled flavour.
To use these queries, include the filter name, an equals sign, and true or false. For example, enablesBridges=true returns all technologies that have the Enables Bridges flag.
- notReqForAdvancement: search by the "Not Required for Era Advancement" flag.
- enablesRecycling: search by the "Enables Recycling" flag.
- diplomats: search by the "Enables Diplomats" flag.
- rightOfPassage: search by the "Enables Right of Passage" flag.
- enablesMPP: search by the "Enables Mutual Protection Pacts" flag.
- tradeEmbargoes: search by the "Enables Trade Embargoes" flag.
- mapTrading: search by the "Enables Map Trading" flag.
- communicationTrading: search by the "Enables Communication Trading" flag.
- irrigationWithoutWater: search by the "Enables irrigation without water" flag.
- stopsDisease: search by the "Disables Flood Plain Disease" flag.
- doublesWorkRate: search by the "Doubles worker work rate" flag.
- bonusTechAwarded: search by the "Bonus Technology Awarded" flag.
- permitsSacrifice: search by the "Permits Sacrifice" flag.
- revealsWorldMap: search by the "Reveals World Map" flag.
- notTradeable: search by the "Cannot Be Traded" flag.
- doublesWealth: search by the "Doubles effect of capitalization" flag.
- tradeBySea: search by the "Enables Trade over Seas" flag.
- tradeByOcean: search by the "Enables Trade over Oceans" flag.
- bridges: search by the "Enables Bridges" flag.
- conscription: search by the "Enables Conscription" flag.
- mobilizationLevels: search by the "Enables Mobilization Levels" flag.
- precisionBombing: search by the "Enables Precision Bombing" flag.