The Scenario Properties tab contains a bunch of information relating to various scenario-specific properties. It is here that you can set the scenario title and description, which show up in CivContent
Search Folders is an important item. This is what Civ uses to find custom art, text files, and so forth for your scenario. The order of searching for these items is the order that they are specified in the search folders, followed by the Conquests directory, followed by the PTW one, followed by the vanilla ones. So, if you have an Infantry unit in both the WWII and Napoleonic Europe search folders, and you have them listed here as "Napoleonic Europe;WWII", the Napoleonic Europe infantry will be used. Search Folders should always be separated be a semicolon, and "..\" can be used to go up one folder level (using relative paths). If your scenario folder will be in the Conquests\Scenarios folder, you don't need "..\"; this is mainly for using the Conquests scenario folders that are in "..\conquests\WWII in the Pacific", etc. Note that to use relative paths on a Mac you'll need to use "/" instead of "\". This should still work on Windows (it seems to), but Firaxis's editor doesn't allow it, so try to verify. The safest route is avoiding "..\" and "../" altogether.
Debug Mode being enabled reveals the entire map to the player, allows editing of AI cities, and allows placing of units in-game. This can be useful for examining AI behavior
Barbarian Activity controls how many pesky barbarians there are. Sedentary means they won't leave their camps. Anything above that results in more and more active barbarians.
Victory Conditions controls the ways in which you can win. The default is all except Wonder Victory.
Game Rules can change the game considerably. They include:
The Locked Alliances section is used for what is suggests. To move civilizations between alliances, right-click on them, and then choose whether you with to remove them from all alliances, or move them to a different alliance.
The War area configures locked alliances. Line it up as you would a spreadsheet, and then examine whether the alliances in the position you want are at war or peace. Click on the War/Peace button to change War to Peace and vice versa. An alliance cannot be at war with itself
For victory type, there are two options. Individual victory awards victory to the highest-scoring nation. Coalition will award victory to the first alliance to reach the victory conditions, or an individual civilization should they succeed first. For example, you likely want a coalition victory for a WWII scenario, as otherwise you would end up with, for example, a Soviet victory instead of an Allied victory.
The Time limit in turns is what's used to set a scenario's length. I don't know what happens if you give it a Minutes limit. The MP limits are in seconds, and are used so one player can't pause everything by going out to get sushi. The turn length is calculated by taking each player's number of cities times the per city amount, plus their number of units, plus the base amount, and then taking the highest of that sum amongst all players.
To the right of the time limit, you can control how long each turn lasts in-game. The "units" of time are set with the "Base unit of Time" box at the bottom of the Time area. For example, if the base unit of time is years, you start in 1000 AD, the first 2 turns take 10 years, the next 2 take 20 years, and then next 2 take 3 years, your turns will follow the progression 1000, 1010, 1020, 1040, 1060, 1063, 1066.
The Plague section does what you expect. The Earliest Start is used to prevent it from hitting someone on the first turn, if you want to be so merciful. Set it to negative values for BC years. The duration is how long, on average, plagues last, and strength is how powerful they are. The grace period is the minimum amount of time between plagues. The Variance is how variable the plagues are from the settings you've chosen - with higher variance, it's more likely that plagues will last shorter or longer lengths of time than you specify, and be stronger or weaker.
Reveal Entire Map does the same as what Sateillites do in-game. It does not remove fog of war.
Retain Culture on Capture means that cities keep their cultural value and borders when captured, as they do in the Rise of Rome conquest.
The Maximum Eruption Period says that in that many years, every volcano will blow up at least once. Setting it lower results in increasingly active volcanoes.